Tuesday, July 19, 2011


Private recues vary enormously from one to another. Some are pretty reasonable, some are terribly expensive. Some cover all vet expenses and even microchip or provide a couple for free training classes, other not as much. Some are well run, others are the next thing to scams. I know nothing about this group in particular but I do know there are some very overpriced "rescues" out there. I was looking for a dog a few months ago and came across one breed rescue who wanted to charge me $700 for the puppy in question plus an additional $75 which I would be refunded after I paid for her remaining shots and neutering myself. There are many places to get a rescue dog- it is worth shopping around to see what you can find. Expect breed rescues to be higher priced than shelters or pounds but with the right one hopefully you get a little more for your money- a fosted dog who has been in given a little training in a home setting, temperment tested and professionally evaluated. Don't be in a big hurry and the right dog will turn up eventually. It took me 4 months to find the right one but it was worth it.

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