Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Should parents/guardians ensure their child can swim?

Hi, I was just curious if anyone besides me thinks it's a parent's responsibility to ensure that their child knows how to swim. In my opinion, it's a skill that I feel no one should be deprived of, but some parents just never ensure their child is taught how to do. I feel it's like riding a bike or tying a shoe: It's one of those things every child should learn growing up, especially if they live on the coast or close to a beach (not sure if the bike riding and shoe tying examples were good, but you guys get my point, I'm sure). If not swim, at least float or keep their head above water. There are plenty of children who grow into adults not knowing how to swim. I'm actually one of those people. I'm 20 and cannot swim (and neither can my 3 brothers), so I'm currently taking classes at the YMCA. I was talking to some of my co-workers (who's ages range from 21-23) about it and they can't swim either. Anyway, I just got tired of it. Every time I go to a pool, I have to stay in the shallow end, or hold the edge when I go to the deep end. I ask some of my friends that do know to try to show me but no luck. That's why I went to the YMCA to get a trained instructor to show me (and those adults are grown now, so they can take it upon themselves to do the same). Classes are going good. I know how to float now so I'm progressing. I just feel I should've been taught sooner, especially when I was living with my father years back since my father is retired Navy. I can't remember back that far as a child if I had asked him or not, but a child shouldn't have to ask. It should be obvious to a parent that they should teach or make arrangement to have their child learn how to swim. However, at 20 I can't sit around and wonder why I can't swim when I'm well enough to take it upon myself, so that's why I took action (although I wish I did it sooner, like, in my high school years). But it's not like a little child can teach him/herself or go on their own to the YMCA or community center and sign up. I know there are some limitations for some, like paying for the lessons. However, it shouldn't take the 18 years it takes for a child to grow up for a parent to save up money for swimming lessons. Also, there may not be any source of water nearby. But most cities have a public pool, community center, YMCA or something for the public nearby, so MOST parents shouldn't have the problem of finding water to teach their child. Also, some children may have permanent disabilities, which anyone can obviously understand. Maybe the parent cannot teach because the parent can't swim either. But that parent can make arrangements for someone else to teach the child or sign them up for classes like I mentioned earlier. I'm not necessarily labeling parents as downright awful, horrible, neglectful parents if they don't ensure their child is taught, but I'm saying that parents with a typical average child should take responsibility and DO THEIR BEST to ensure that their child can swim at an early age, as opposed to that child growing up not knowing this skill. I know when I have kids, I'm making sure that they are taught at an early age so they don't have to endure being an adult without knowing how to swim. You never know, it may just save that person's life if they're ever in danger in the water. I apologize for the length, but what is your opinion on this?

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