Friday, July 15, 2011

Help! Mental illness and very stupid thoughts! Im losing it?

hey guys, i really need some help. I have been suffering with agoraphobia for the past 7 years and i also have a fear of certain people leaving the house aswell as fear of swallowing but only if certain people are not in the hous, if everyone is home then i am fine to eat and drink normally. I also have ocd issues. So as you can see i have a few issues to say the least. since friday though things have got 100 times worse. My mum left to go to the doctors and i completely lost it, i dialled 999, i was shaking and not listening to anyone else, i just kept ringing and ringing her mobile until she picked up and agreed to come home, even then though i wasnt sure to beleive her. Since then i have been completely overthinking everthing and get panicked about the simpliest things that i have been doing all my life, i cant believe im saying this but i wont flush the upstairs toilet and i have asked everyone else not too, so they use the downstairs one instead but they keep asking when i will flush it, ive also stopped washing my mugs of tea, i wont eat properly or drink properly as my fear is that once its gone its gone and there is no going back. I have completely and utterly lost the plot and i cant bear to be like this but i would rather die than have to go through panic again. Panic for me now lasts 2 hours at a time rather than 5 - 10 minutes as they have done previously. If anyone has any advice please let me know. Thanks

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