Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Have you ever hit a walk-off hit?

Yeah. Little league. We wear down by 1 and I came up. I was batting 7th so no one was expecting me to doing anything big. There was a guy on 1st and and 2nd the pitcher threw a hanging curve and I ripped it down the 3rd base line for a 2 out triple. The crowd cheered and my team was doing one of those thing the guys in the majors do when they hit a walk off homer and you get pummeled at home.

Why do people walk all over me?

From your writing, Everything appears to be normal. Nothing is out of ordinary. . You just have to find a job with better pay, and have some confident in yourself.

What does POCCNR stand for?

I got a coffee mug from Russia that has the acronym "POCCNR" painted on it. I asked a Russian friend if to read it and he said "Russia". And ten I asked him "I meant what does the acronym stand for" and he said "is says Russia" but he didn't tell me what it stood for. What does it stand for?

Strange dog breed between a papillon and a golden retriever ?

Recently my parents' dogs had puppies. They own a both a male and female papillon and a male golden retriever. The female had 3 puppies 2 of which are definately to the other papillon. One, however, is alot bigger and kinda looks like it's part golden retriever. I have heard of mothers having puppies to multiple fathers. I just wanted to know if this is common and what the hell to call a cross between a papillon and a golden retriever.

Which 2 people in here do you think stick out more?(not a am i pretty question)?

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How much does it cost to have your ears pinned back in UK?

Im a 17 year old girl who has been bullied ever since primary school because of my ears. I can't tie my hair up because it looks ridicules. For a couple of months I've been stickying my ears back with double sided sticky tape because im trying everything to stick them back a bit but it's not working! Im not sure where to start with this. I can't afford to have this operation because I don't have any money and my parents can't afford it either so I'm not sure if I can get it free with the NHS at my age or what. Where do I start do I go to the doctors first and if yes then what the hell do I say?

I have my tubes tied and cant have any more kids but i think my husband had a vasectomy (i pay for the health?

insurance) Having kids is not an issue for us and I feel hurt because he says he wants a vasectomy in case our relationship doesn't work out someday and he does not want anymore kids. I feel that since it isn't an issue for us WHY SHOULD I PAY FOR IT. Let him get it done with his new relationship when that happens. Am I being irrational?

What can I do to get rid of my acne?

I've tied countless creams, not one of them work, they're completely useless. I've tried some tablets that my doc gave to me, again useless. What the hell am I supposed to do? Are there any sort of alternative, new age type of treatments I could try?

How much do normal sized Papillon or Havanese pups weigh at birth? ?

Through some very unfortunate circumstances my Goldendoodle is now a foster mom to 2 puppies born to a Papillon mother recent acquired by a rescue. It appears as though the father was a Havanese so the pups Havallons. How much should these pups weigh? I'm obviously going to weigh them several times a day, however I am not familiar with either breed and need to know a good starting point.

What's wrong with my dog :(?

It sounds like he may be having separation anxiety. My Shih Tzu Maltese goes periodically to a kennel. He comes back exhausted from the kennel and takes a couple of days to come back to normal. During that time, he is looking for more attention and sleep. However, what helps us is that I take him one or two times to the same place for day care. That way, when I need him to stay, it is not too traumatic for him. Good luck!

How is the rope which is tied up to the dynamite called?

In the movie "The good the bad and the ugly" those 2 guys put the dynamite under the bridge, then one of them lights up the dynamite and they leave and it blows, before that they put a long rope ... to each dynamite, whats that rope called?

Do you wash your hands of cheryl cole if she goes back to ash?

i do? her friends say shes a mug if she goes back to him. shes too nice for him. to be honest if she does i think her career will dwindle. girls want a female role model today who stands up for herself and can be independent not one who is a push over.

Papillon hana to chou?

So I but this book tuesday & continued to read the series online but I cant find vol 6 ch.26 can anyone help me find it or tell me why its not found?

Which is a better career option: Homeopathy or Engineering or Dental?

I've appeared for the entrances for all these courses and secured good ranks. Personally, I'm not very good at mugging up stuffs. Rather I prefer audio-visuals for studying or better say, logic and reasoning. I personally prefer practical study over theoretical one. I, personally, don't prefer a lot of hard work to get established. I'm also a bit money minded. :P Really confused which career to opt for. Please help!

What are the "must see" attractions in NYC?

headed to NYC for the 1st time in my life for a 4 day getaway. any recommendations on what is the absolute best and worst things to do out there? (besides getting mugged)

I'm not going out tonight, am I still a lad?

Basically I'm not going out this Saturday night as it will probably be gash and I'd rather hit the town next week. This mug I know is saying I'm a fag for not going out, is he right?

I have 2 very, very faint positives?

I have been very nasueated for about 3 weeks now, I had a period that was a day late and only lasted 3 days..then 2 days after I was off my period i started spotting so i took to tests this morning..2 very faint plus signs...But my tubes are tied.. is it possible that i really am pregnant??? any sugestions...

What can i do to help these unborn puppies ?

My bfs moms friend asked if we could keep his pit bull WHICH WAS IN HEAT and his dumb self is going to tie her to the tree where my bfs dog is which is (mixed)male. So a female to male over night that was his fault ! So he was like if any of them puppies are mixed then he's going to beat them with a hammer until they die and my bfs ma said that she would call the law. But what if he takes the pit (her name is storm) while the puppies are nursing ? Can he do that ? How can I stop him ? She is not my dog to take to the vet and get spayed or emergency spayed so don't suggest that. I need help fast ! She is like maybe 1 1/2 weeks pregnant she is such a good dog ! HELP! Thanks

Should parents/guardians ensure their child can swim?

Hi, I was just curious if anyone besides me thinks it's a parent's responsibility to ensure that their child knows how to swim. In my opinion, it's a skill that I feel no one should be deprived of, but some parents just never ensure their child is taught how to do. I feel it's like riding a bike or tying a shoe: It's one of those things every child should learn growing up, especially if they live on the coast or close to a beach (not sure if the bike riding and shoe tying examples were good, but you guys get my point, I'm sure). If not swim, at least float or keep their head above water. There are plenty of children who grow into adults not knowing how to swim. I'm actually one of those people. I'm 20 and cannot swim (and neither can my 3 brothers), so I'm currently taking classes at the YMCA. I was talking to some of my co-workers (who's ages range from 21-23) about it and they can't swim either. Anyway, I just got tired of it. Every time I go to a pool, I have to stay in the shallow end, or hold the edge when I go to the deep end. I ask some of my friends that do know to try to show me but no luck. That's why I went to the YMCA to get a trained instructor to show me (and those adults are grown now, so they can take it upon themselves to do the same). Classes are going good. I know how to float now so I'm progressing. I just feel I should've been taught sooner, especially when I was living with my father years back since my father is retired Navy. I can't remember back that far as a child if I had asked him or not, but a child shouldn't have to ask. It should be obvious to a parent that they should teach or make arrangement to have their child learn how to swim. However, at 20 I can't sit around and wonder why I can't swim when I'm well enough to take it upon myself, so that's why I took action (although I wish I did it sooner, like, in my high school years). But it's not like a little child can teach him/herself or go on their own to the YMCA or community center and sign up. I know there are some limitations for some, like paying for the lessons. However, it shouldn't take the 18 years it takes for a child to grow up for a parent to save up money for swimming lessons. Also, there may not be any source of water nearby. But most cities have a public pool, community center, YMCA or something for the public nearby, so MOST parents shouldn't have the problem of finding water to teach their child. Also, some children may have permanent disabilities, which anyone can obviously understand. Maybe the parent cannot teach because the parent can't swim either. But that parent can make arrangements for someone else to teach the child or sign them up for classes like I mentioned earlier. I'm not necessarily labeling parents as downright awful, horrible, neglectful parents if they don't ensure their child is taught, but I'm saying that parents with a typical average child should take responsibility and DO THEIR BEST to ensure that their child can swim at an early age, as opposed to that child growing up not knowing this skill. I know when I have kids, I'm making sure that they are taught at an early age so they don't have to endure being an adult without knowing how to swim. You never know, it may just save that person's life if they're ever in danger in the water. I apologize for the length, but what is your opinion on this?

How much should i feed my 7-8 week old papillon?

i have a 7-8 week old puppy, ive been feeing him tinned puppy food but the breeder told me to put him on solids. he doesn't seem to eat them very much if i dnt feed him anything but biscuits in a day hed eat about a quater of a cup. is this normal ?

How can i show him that what hes doing doesnt bother me even though it does?

im close friends with a guy. i thought he genuinely liked me and cared for me. ive known him 3 years and helped him endlessly with work, money and its very one sided. he never returns calls anymore, takes ages to return emails as he knows it bothers me. recently we spoke of dating and he knows ive liked him for ages but we agreed not to so the friendship would be ok. but then he starts dating a girl online, rubs my nose in it, lies to me where shes from, lends her money he doesnt have and im there like a mug. whenever he needs help he gets it and knows it. he asked me to do his cv last week and i saw an email and found out this girl was filipino and has since taken his � 800 and run yet hes had me loyal and caring and treats me like ****. im sick of it. yesterday i had to send an apology email he still hasnt replied to. its like he thinks he clicks his fingers im there which im ashamed to say ia m. he isnt anything special to look at but i genuinely thought he cared. how can i make him start respecting me and show him i dont give a damn anymore pleeeeese help me

Should i have my papillon neutered?

i have just got another papillon from a breeder to replace my previous one that passed on and he is 6 yrs old and i wonder if i should have him neutered. He was a show dog and was bred from. I have had him 2 days and he has marked his territory on the carpet and hard floors 3 times, so it could be a settling in thing, if neutered would it make him any worse, regards john

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

What type of fertilizer /product/substance will help my flowering plants to actually flower abundantly?

Hi, I live in WI. and try to plant flowering plants that are for my planting zone.Generally the majority of these plants will do good EX:roses, hollyhocks,hydrangea etc... but many fail to flower or only get a few flowers on them. I do try to enrich my soil with my own compost and learned from an old wise gardener how to make my own liquid compost. Now this same gardener told me that if I select a product from the store that has the numbers on the side ex:10 10 10 -JUST AN EXAMPLE-that the middle number should be the highest for good flowering. Ex: 10-20-10 Feedback please. I also do try to enrich my soil, water according to that plants needs, consider sun needed, and use mulch. Funny part about this is that often I will throw trimming in my field and the next yr. I find them growing. Ya no care, no water, no weeding, fertilizer etc...KInd of funny. Thanks so Much FYI-I really do prefer a natural enhancer like compost. My neighbor man told me each day he would pour his old coffee from his mug that he kept in the car on plants that nevered flowered and they did really well. Ya a single guy who also would pour his unfinished beer on the plants and they were just beautiful. Tons of flowers. Of course he said he had no clue they were even flowering plants. Said his mom felt bad he had no plants so she kindly put them in

Question about dogs: which would you choose?

I agree Papillions are a good choice.Trainability is pretty good.But Chihuahuas can be difficult to train & they can be very yappy.

What would be a good dog for first time owners?

Are you just getting the dogs because they look cute or have your researched their breed characteristics and needs? My daughter is in high school and their honors english teacher made them do a research paper on a breed of dog and what they are like and their needs. My daugher thought she wanted a papillion before she did the project and changed her mind once she found out more about the breed. Maybe they would be good for you though. Do you know their good points and bad points? Do you know what the perfect dog for you should act like? How much exercise would you be willing to give them? Do you like a hyper busy dog or a softer lower energy dog? How much barking can you tolerate? Do you want a dog that is a guard dog, a watchdog or a dog who loves everyone? There are many good websites including one called "How to Buy a Good Dog" that review breed characteristics. Don't buy a dog based only on what he looks like, learn what the breed typically acts like.

Olive oil mix in dog food, how much and how many times should i mix it a day?

i heard that some people mix olive oil in their dogs food but i don't know how often you do that? i've got a bichon and papillon mix, 1 1/2 yrs old and she shed a lot after winter, (don't shed winter). i've got an answer last month that maybe because it is spring thats why and one said put/mix olive oil in her food, but i really don't know how much (tbsp/tsp) should i mix. And if you just do that a day or twice a day?

I was in the drunk tank ,is that going to go on my police record ?

No, Vermont is used to drunks roaming around. It costs too much to process every single one of them so they usually just tag you and once you sober up send you back out into the wild to track what bar you will end up next. This helps them predict where to build new drunk tanks in the future to make it more convenient in the future.

Have you ever made your own edible arrangement?

And if you did how did it turn out? Thinking about making a small one for Fathers Day. (maybe in a mug that says I <3 Daddy)

I have an old German Beer Stein from 1400s, not sure of the date?

on the bottom of the beer mug it says 1474 stamped with the words Germany and a letter "M" for the makers marking

Puppy? When should I walk him? Vet? Name? etc?

I am getting a puppy later this week. The breeder is giving it its shots. When should I get it to its first vet visit? When should I start walking it, and when should I start training? It will be six weeks old by the time I buy him. PS is Teo a good name? He is a pomeranian papillon mix,and please show me pictures of what he might look like when he is older. (looking for professional oppinion)

Is drinking tons of tea bad?

Tea is great for you! it has lots of antioxidants in it. however the sugar isn't. and i have heard that it dehydrates people but i haven't ever had that problem. it still has water in unlike coke, dr. pepper, mountain dew... etc. <---- those have carbonated water in them. nothing in them are good for you at all.

Were could i find a custom chiller mug ONLINE????

i want to get one for my dad, he loves them, i want to put something dad related like #1 dad, cuz its 4 fathers day

What Brand is my Saddle?

I have a roping saddle that I cant figure out the brand it does look like a billy cook saddle but cant find the tag anywhere, what I did find is a small price tag like sticker under the tie strap holder and all I could get out of it was saddlery..wish I could add a picture. but it has the twisted bone color rawhide on the cantle and the same material in the swell as well

I like a guy but he only likes me for how i look?

my school year just ended yesterday and at the begining of the year a new boy came to our class at first he was just a mean jerk for no reason and it really bothered me so i like hated him..... but about 3 weeks ago i sarted to like him alot. and now when i look back on it people used to always say that he liked me n now i believe them (he admitted dat i was his first crush). i truely can c how much i probably hurt him in the beginning of the year by being so mean to him n now i like him alot(one of those weird off&on crushes that people get,u know?) n he will probably never except me for who i am again. he always says to his friends dat im hot n finer dan a mug and dat im a beautiful looking girl and they say so you like her now and he says i like how she looks nat how she acts. he doesn't even no how like him and i dont think il ever tell him. the worst thing is he fliirst with all his girl friends except for me (were friends now) so wen i sit down next t o him theres dis weird aawkward silence that hurts me so mch. its like he's afraid to flirt wit me. he says im fiesty. Am i just 2 fiesty for him....... wat do i do

Is the any device which could put two separate power sources in sync?

I have heard of the grid tie inverters which convert 12v to 240 and the 240volts is in sync with the power company's power but I wanted to use two separate generators in sync to increase power is this possibly

Yorkie mixed with papillon?

Can anyone show me what they look like full grown or give me info about personality? any info is appreciated!

Where can I buy a oversized bandana?

My fiance is looking for oversized bandanas to wear as a shirt. Like the ones on tv shows were they just tie it in the back. Does anyone know were to get one or make one?

My dog has diarrhea off and on. Could it be a food intolerance? What food should I try?

My papillon has diarrhea off and on, and I think he might have a food intolerance. I currently feed him Wellness small breed adult, and the first 5 ingredients are Deboned Turkey, Chicken Meal, Salmon Meal, Oatmeal, Ground Brown Rice. I'm thinking maybe a food with only one protein source would be the place to start. My cousin recommended Diamond Natural, and they have a lamb and rice formula for small breeds that I may try, what are some other foods I should look at? Should I avoid chicken and stick to lamb, or is the turkey or salmon a more likely culprit?

Private recues vary enormously from one to another. Some are pretty reasonable, some are terribly expensive. Some cover all vet expenses and even microchip or provide a couple for free training classes, other not as much. Some are well run, others are the next thing to scams. I know nothing about this group in particular but I do know there are some very overpriced "rescues" out there. I was looking for a dog a few months ago and came across one breed rescue who wanted to charge me $700 for the puppy in question plus an additional $75 which I would be refunded after I paid for her remaining shots and neutering myself. There are many places to get a rescue dog- it is worth shopping around to see what you can find. Expect breed rescues to be higher priced than shelters or pounds but with the right one hopefully you get a little more for your money- a fosted dog who has been in given a little training in a home setting, temperment tested and professionally evaluated. Don't be in a big hurry and the right dog will turn up eventually. It took me 4 months to find the right one but it was worth it.

Do you guys agree that?

hernandez and giovanni dos santos are overrated footballers and are a disgrace to the proffession called football

I have my tubes tied and cant have any more kids but i think my husband had a vasectomy (i pay for the health?

health insurance) If i find out it will crush me but I would like to know. How do i find out if he did? My ins. co. won't tell me because of HIPPA laws. Do I need a release of information form from him?

Is my female Papillon about to go into heat (for the first time)?

my female pap is about 8 months old (born 6-24-10). she has not yet gone into heat (no bleeding) and from reading i don't think she can be pregnant b4 the bleeding. lately she has been very sleepy, and cuddly (like right now, she is sleeping in my lap at the computer desk), when she normally goes and lays in her designated areas to sleep. she is also getting very whiny, and is always wanting my attention and affection, more frequently then normal. OH, and shes also been shedding a ton lately, and its the dead of winter (snowing outside). are these signs of pre-heat? i read that their nipples get bigger and their vulva becomes slightly swollen, but to me, they look the same. , any advice or word of wisdom would be appreciated??

What to watch first: Papillon or Once Upon A Time In the West?

I can't decide between the two as I received them today in the mail via netflix, which would you choose?

Can I give my rabbit string?

I would like to get my rabbit more toys, but at the moment I can't just drive to the pet store. Considering that I'm only 14. But I would like to know if I could give my two rabbits some string? Would it hurt them? What I would do is tie the string to the top of the rabbit cage and just have the string hang down. would that be harmless to my rabbits? Please help me, and thank you for your time on answering this silly question!

In the movie, Streets of Laredo written by Larry Mcmurtry,?

Being deaf I may have missed something revelant , but where did Joey Garza get the rifle he used? In the book he got it by Mugging a gambler in Mexico City and buying it in a gun shop.

Is it possible to hole punch a silicone phone case?

For sure either heat up something the same size as hole u need and burn it thru or a hole punch at any hardware store good luck

Does this book sound familiar?

I vaguely recall reading a book as a young pre-teen that I really enjoyed. I cannot remember much about it. I recall it involved a kid moving to the country or into the hills or something. There was some mystery involved. The only details I can recall is that there was supposed to be some creek in the area with no bottom, so he tied a string around a rock to try to find the bottom and couldn't. I also vaguely recall him hunting for sapphires and rubbies in the hills by looking under groups of weeds. I know that isn't much, but maybe it will sound familiar to you. Any assistance would be great!!

How should I fill a hole in a basement floor where there is dirt underneath?

Our basement floor has an approximately 4 inch diameter hole, pretty close to the drainpipe. As far as I can tell, the hole is where there was some kind of bubble in the concrete and the top broke open. The amount of area that I would need to fill is about the size of a coffee mug. Never done any concrete repair before - what do I do? I mostly just want to be able to wash the floor without stuff going into the hole, so it doesn't have to look great.

What is the best/worst first time dog breed?

So my first dog I got was a papillon puppy, she's a joy to have but idk if I'd suggest them as a first time dog to other people. What in your opinion are the best and worst breeds for first time dog owners. Why?

Monday, July 18, 2011

I got a kindle for my birthday, how do I use it on public bus without making myself a target for theft?

Your just being paranoid believe me nobody will snatch it because think how many people there are on the bus if someone does snatch it everyone else on the bus would be aware of him and catch the thief but its very unlikely. Just make sure you have a tight grip on the kindle.

I am afraid of the pain of blood test of blood draw from my hand..:(?

I am not afraid of injections as it will not hurt if we loosen our whole body while giving injection.But I am afraid of blood test where they use to take blood from our hands by tieing a rubber thread to get and to pierce the nerves what they are looking for.So it is one of the painful moments if we loosen our body also we are feeling the pain because of the rubber tied ..How to get rid of the pain of blood test of blood draw from our hand ..good answers will get full pts..:)

Am I ready for a Papillon?

I want one SO BADLY! I promised myself to take care of it the best I can, but I'm not an expert in keeping a dog so should I get a female or male(easier to raise)? Since I hear they are very easy to train, I find them quite perfect. I may not be allowed to get it inside if it misbehaves though(ruining furniture, licking excessively, barking excessively, etc), but I will try to spend most of my time with it outside in my big yard and training it, but I'm worried, will it lick the swimming pool? Also, tell me their pros and cons if you have any reviews and experiences! PLEASE answer with a helpful one! It's costing me my Yahoo points!!

Do you think Southwest Airlines allow my dog on board with me?

I am going on vacation this summer to Disney World in Florida. I am taking Southwest and I must bring my papillon with me. She is roughly around 8-11 lbs. And if I don't take her, I have nobody to watch her. Do you think they would allow my dog to fly on the same plane as I am? I really want to know. I already found hotels in Orlando that accept dogs. Thanks so much for your help.

Why do papillons blow their coat? there anything i can do to prevent this?

i heave a 4 year old female papillon she has a true single silky coat and she is blowing her coat for the 3rd time is there a reason for this or is she lacking something in her diet?

Am I feeding my puppy enough?

the standard amount of food for a dog that age is usually 2 cups of dry/medium wet food per day, in addition to a few treats you may give them for training and the like. You don't need to go to a vet, just go to the websites for Corgi's (pembroke welsh corgi club of america) and the pappilon website and do some digging as to what they suggest you feed those dogs, then just average it.

WHY is Johnny Lee Edwards smiling in his mug shot as he is being booked? Is it a joke to him?

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Do you really think that its too dangerous to travel to any part of Mexico?

The news talks of a female missionary from Texas being mugged in Mexico and shot because she wouldnt give up her pickup, it talks about drugs and gangs... but is it logical to believe that this is so wide-spread that its dangerous for all Americans to enter into any place in Mexico?

I can't remember what this movie is called?

In the beginning there is a woman trapped in a room with a window and shes tied down.Then you see a guy outside when a zombie virus breaks out and zombies are attacking the building. There are gunners up above shooting the zombies. The woman trapped in the room sees a zombie outside the window that keeps running into the glass. I don't know if this is completely accurate but its all I can remember.

Did he cheat on me with his ex?

Right recently a guy I met through a friend told me that my boyfriend slept with his ex girlfriend at a house party. I confronted my boyfriend straight away and he explained to me that his ex was there and they spoke together alone about very personal matters which he told me about and I don't want to repeat as its pretty horrible, but denies anything happening. When I told the guy who told me he got angry and saying I was being a mug and stupid for believing him then one of his mates backed him up. I'm quite lost and not sure what to do or how to sort it all out. By the way the ex cheated on him in the past and she hates me alot and has tried kissing him in front of me but he pushed her away and yelled at her for doing something like that. I just don't know what to think or do and the thought of him cheating on me makes me sick

Why is John Edwards smiling in his mug shot?

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I'm 16 years old and Im going to get a puppy but I don't know what would fit my lifestyle.?

Hi, well I've had a Dachshund, Papillon, and Jack Russell in the past, and my mom currently has a Chiwawa. I do not want the same breed as any of these even know they were all good dogs but also had it's faults. I'll only have school for about 6 hours one day, and 4 hours the next. I need a small dog that can live in an apartment. Ive heard that Yorki's are amazing dogs but shouldn't be left alone for long hours. And I also want a dog thats easier to train, my moms dogs barks 24/7 and dosn't listen, I don't want that so annoying.

Is there an OCD disorder or anything for an obsession with one girl?

I dont know if i would call it ocd per say but you should keep an eye on him for her safety. It sounds like its getting a little serious and if she doesnt already know then you should probably tell her so she can be on the look out. He sounds like he may have some problems and should probably see a psychologist or something.

Did the papillon dogs from france protect the queen?

Well they didin't do a very good job of it as Marie Antoinette lost her head, despite having a papillon dog.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

I am becoming so forgetful it is now a big concern?

its not just little things like forgetting to lock a door, what shopping I need (although I forget these too) but its big things too, my daughter told me I went into her room and had a conversation with her, and I do not recall this happening at all (she is an adult now and would not lie!) I went to the shop, spent ages retracing my steps looking for my lost door key, only to get home and find it on the patio table (a place i dont recall putting it at all or even going near!) I find mugs of made and cold tea on the side, and dont recall making them. Ieven founbd myself lost in a department store that I visit alot and know my way round backwards (normally). I feel like i am going mad! The only other thing that I have noticed starting during this past 2 weeks when all this has become very noticable is that I get hic-cups everyday. They dont last long, but i get them at least 2 times every day. I never suffered with them before. Is this just stress?

What should I draw on my friend's cup?

For my bestie's birthday, I'm hand drawing stuff on a mug/cup. There's gonna be a few of them, but I need some more ideas. :)

Is human food healthy for dogs?

I have a 11 month old papillon. many people say i shouldn't feed him which i do. is human food healthy. back then dogs were still healthy even if they only ate human food. My mom in the 70's gave her dog always human food. there was no dog food back then.

Whats that skit where a robber demands money and fallacio?

I think it went like, some drug addict tries to mug some random person, and he pulls a gun on him and is like "suck my d!ck" and the person's like uh no, i'm not gonna do that. So the mugger is like: Okay fine well then give me your wallet, and the person does. I forget what happens but i like the random person manages to trick the mugger to giving him the gun and then says to him "now you suck my d!ck" could be whitest kids u'kno, SNL, MADTv, i honestly can't remember whereveer its from

Does this guy look like obama, just with his head shaved?

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How should I deal with my obnoxious cousins?

Stand up for yourself. I am from a big Irish family so I have alot of cousins. I have had to stand up to them a few times. Some people just need to be told to stop. To get the hint. Good luck, but they are family so you have to love them anyway regardless of how much of a pain in the butt they can be.

Frozen glasses, cups , or mugs?

you know the ones you put in the freezer and drink out of instead of using ice. my dad loves those! i want to get him one for fatjers day. maybe a #1 dad one, or a customizable one so i could put number 1 dad on it

Court for no proof of insurance!! ?

I got pulled over back in march and didnt have no proof of insurance had court and still didnt have no proof of insurance so i was fined with 500 but havent payed the fine do to financial problems, i got pulled over again last moth again with no proof of insurance got arrested bc it turns out my license was suspended got my mug shot finger prints taken and have court on Thursday.. at work they been cutting my hrs and i cant afford to renew my insurance its just to much money i can barely pay my car, but i have papers that show that i have insurance from feb-Aug 2011 but since i havent paid it its no good, but i was wondering if i show it to court and pretend its still good will they know? Can they tell if i do or dont have insurance even if i show that proof? I know its bad but im so stressed with work and not having money and thats my last resort :(

How many tea bags are needed to make iced tea in a 34 oz mug?

lets be honest, i make some great tea brews sizing to 34oz using a single tea bag. it has a lot to do with how long you leave the tea bag to brew in your boiling hot water. i think there are also different potency tea bags, as i have tried this with celestial tea and it does not work very well. i would recommend 2 bags to start. leave them in the hot water for at least 10min and make sure to agitate the pot frequently. if you find that 2 tea bags aren't enough than add anther one on your next brew and so forth.

Question for single moms on Father's Day?

That is so sweet. I hope my children think of me like that one day too. (I have years) I would just pull her to the side if you want to make the moment a little more private and don't want everyone staring, or you could give it to her in front of everyone. I'm pretty sure there are some mature people who will understand and aww at how sweet that really is.

Vote: Cutest name for a Papillon!?

valentina, i think it is the cutest name ever!!!! i like it with the dog too! name it that name. it is adorable.

How much does it cost to have your ears pinned back in UK?

Im a 17 year old girl who has been bullied ever since primary school because of my ears. I can't tie my hair up because it looks ridicules. For a couple of months I've been stickying my ears back with double sided sticky tape because im trying everything to stick them back a bit but it's not working! Im not sure where to start with this. I can't afford to have this operation because I don't have any money and my parents can't afford it either so I'm not sure if I can get it free with the NHS at my age or what. Where do I start do I go to the doctors first and if yes then what the hell do I say?

How can i get him to start respecting me ? please help?

im close friends with a guy. i thought he genuinely liked me and cared for me. ive known him 3 years and helped him endlessly with work, money and its very one sided. he never returns calls anymore, takes ages to return emails as he knows it bothers me. recently we spoke of dating and he knows ive liked him for ages but we agreed not to so the friendship would be ok. but then he starts dating a girl online, rubs my nose in it, lies to me where shes from, lends her money he doesnt have and im there like a mug. whenever he needs help he gets it and knows it. he asked me to do his cv last week and i saw an email and found out this girl was filipino and has since taken his � 800 and run yet hes had me loyal and caring and treats me like ****. im sick of it. yesterday i had to send an apology email he still hasnt replied to. its like he thinks he clicks his fingers im there which im ashamed to say ia m. he isnt anything special to look at but i genuinely thought he cared. how can i make him start respecting me and show him i dont give a damn anymore pleeeeese help me

I am feeling very depressed (very long, would like someone to talk to as well?)?

That's messed up. Sugar, you can't handle this all without the help of a mental health professional. Self harming is a mental illness. Right now it might look trivial to you but in future it can turn into a big problem for you. I have went through all that there was a point in my life when i had no friends because people thought i was insane. All this has a lot to do with how you feel your parents treat you. The good news is, you can stop feeling so miserable with the help of some therapy or even medicines. You can live a happy normal life. 16 is a very young age, you have a long way to go. Check with a doctor fast, and start your life anew. Good luck!

Is a Papillon right for me?

OK so I am a 14 year old girl, I'm thinking of getting a dog. I really love Bichons but I cannot afford the grooming requirements. I want a spunky dog with smarts (has to be small), I really love affectionate, playful dogs with a cheerful personality. I was wondering from those with experience with papillons if these dogs seem right for me?

Have you ever been mugged, robbed, or just become a victim of theft?

Yes, I was robbed at gunpoint a little more than 2 months ago. I was going to a friend's house and these 3 hispanic males (2 looked like juveniles, 1 maybe 18+) robbed me. One went in front of me, which he blocked me, the other one was a lookout, and the oldest looking one was so close to me and I remember thinking why is he so close to me, then I saw the gun. It was scary. It took me over a month to get over, my mom was supportive and helped me by taking me to the DMV, doctors, etc. They took my whole bag, my phone, 2 MP3 players, $121+ and other little things. I think I was calm during the whole thing but I was more pissed then sad, I was surprised I didn't cry because I am a sensitive person. I reported it to the police but there's nothing they can do because there are no leads. When I become a cop I hope I end up arresting one of those bastards. But I was fortunate to be unharmed physically, but a little traumatized. You will eventually get over it you just learn from your experiences.

Question about my girl friend?

She wants you to perform oral sex on her. She's then going to tie your hands (probably with a scarf) get on top of you and ride like a show horse. She's saying you'll be her ***** because she'll be in control. She probably thinks it's sexy to call you her ***** but its not. At all.

Weight issues.. some one help?

im thirteen, and.. i weight 7.12 stone. i dont know how tall i am, but about 5.5ft. my friends tell me im not fat. and i dont generally think i am, but i eat alot. but ive got a different metabilism. and i dont really put on any weight. but ive recently put on abit i think, im so self-concious about it.. and i even tie belts around my belly tightly so i dont look or feel fat. am i wrong? can someone one tell me if im fat?

Interested in a small breed dog, pls help!?

I am interested in getting a puppy. I want a small breed, something that won't get much bigger then a cat. However, I don't know much about different kinds of dogs. I want a cute breed. Not the "its so ugly its cute" lol I was suggested a Papillon. Any other suggestions? I'm not going to worry about price at the moment, I just want to find a few different breeds. I'll worry about cost later. Thank you!

I think I may be suffering from postpartum depression. Help me?

My son is 6 weeks old and hasyt icolic VERY bad. Ove been down since I had him. Of got better for a few weeks when he wasent colicy, but it's bad again blew. I love mug son more than anything in the world and I shows him with love and affection. But during the day when he sleeps, all I do is cry. I feel like I'll never enjoy things again. My husband won't help me. I've been this way for weeks and I'm so embarraed. I wanted this baby for so long and now I'm depressed? It's humiliating. I finally worked up the courage to admit it to him and he called me weak and went into the bedroom to sleep soundly as I satay up with our screming son. What do I do? Who do I turn to? I don't have a lot of friends. Will they take my baby away if I tell them I'm depressed? Btw I have had NO thoughts of harming my baby or myself. That's postpartum phycosis which is quite different. Any advice?

Any advice. I just went to a 6th grade end of the year dance.?

Let me start from the beginning. My school was having an end of the year dance for 6th grade. This girl in my history class asked me to go with her. I said yes. It was a formal dance so I dressed up in black slacks, a white dress shirt, and a tie. I brought her some roses and she gave me a kiss on the cheek. We danced together and with our friends. Then, the DJ started a slow love song and I asked her to dance with me. She seems to really like me. After the dance I offered to walk her home. She said that's very sweet to think of her like that and yes. When we got to her porch she said she had a great time and I said the same. She kissed my forehead this time and I kissed her on the lips, The last day of school she gave me a hug, said she gong to miss me, and walked away crying. Last night I ran into her at the pool. We sat next to each other in the hot tub and she put her head on my shoulder. She said she was upset because she thought she wouldn't see me all summer. I said "Not to worry babe I'm here for you." She kissed me and gave me her phone number. Should I ask her out or does she just want to be friends?

Lower back pain because of an arched back?

this may sound odd but im going to throw it out there that could be a symptom of chlamydia. or kidney problems from dehydration

Survey-I just read that a person is mugged every 90 seconds in New York City?

Ok, well I'm no expert on law-enforcement, but don't you think that dude should stand near a cop, or hide or something? I mean, I'm not the sharpest tool in the shed, but getting beat-up and robbed every minute-and-a-half would make me change my habits. What do you think?

Gift ideas for godparents?

My little girl is being christened in 4 weeks time and id like to gift the godparents a gift any ideas apart from photo frames, mugs, glasses or candles? please help x

What should I do for dad on fathers day?

Just surprise him go in the room tap him on the shoulders to wake him up with the breakfast and wish him a happy father's day ,something that are appeciated is love from other family members on this holiday, spend time with him ,mine's pass away 14 years ago to this day

A question on submarine maneuvering.?

i recently saw the movie "DOWN PERISCOPE"(a comedy movie based on submarine), in that the hero ties to hide from the enemy SONAR by moving UNDER A GIANT TANKER SHIP and succeds, is it possible( hiding under other ships) in real life circumstances.

Buying a Dexter Mug in NYC?

Hi everyone! I will be in NYC in a couple of days and I really want to buy a Dexter mug - I'm such a big fan of him! I found a Showtime store in Broadway... is it open to everyone? Somebody can give me more info? Otherwise, where can I buy that?

Huge scab thing on my horses pastern?? Help please!?

Call a vet to come look at your horse. They could be infected, or could become infected. It is very possible that the horses pasterns were hurt during transport.

Wishy-washy tenant is annoying landlord-how to resolve?

Cut bait. A $25 month increase is a small increase. I would be asking at least an additional $75 month for the convenience of not signing a new lease.

I was walking my 1 year old Papillon last night and a huge owl swept by and took him...What should I do?

I've contacted animal rescue and they didn't respond, its been a day already and I'm worried...hes only 4.5lbs and is probably terrified, is there anything I can do? Will he be alright?

What are signs of Papillon pregnancy?

We have a 11 month old Papillon that we have every intention of fixing as wel as 10 month old male chiuahuah unfortunately we were waiting until after Christmas for financial reasons. We waited a little too long and she went into heat in February. We did a very good job of keeping her and our male chiuahuah separated. Unfortunately I didn't keep track of the days/weeks she was in heat and at least 2 weeks after may have been 3 my son inadvertently put the chiuahuah with the papillon. I don't know exactly where she was in the cycle. I noticed today and maybe they were like that before but I am paranoid that her breasts seemed larger than I have noticed before, Yikes hopefully I am wrong and she isn't prego.

Do you recommend any breeds good for guarding, good with livestock & other animals but won't chase them?

Im not sure what i would suggest but my friend had a merama ( spelling? ) and he ate one of her baby sheep when it was born, not cool. She also had a Great Pyrenees that was horrible with kids and both breeds do herd. As for border collies if you don't want them working your cattle then they are not the dog for you but they are super sweet gentle breed and i have had 3 and they are fantastic with my kids very loving and very protective

Which 2 people in here do you think stick out more?(not a am i pretty question)?

a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

How can I tell my parents I am moving out for good?

This is a tough situation. I understand their feelings but as much as they care for you they are being selfish without even realizing it. I'm not sure how old you are but obviously you are old enough to make your own decisions and be on your own. They should be proud that they have raised you to be a responsible caring adult. If you weren't I doubt that you would be this concerned about their feelings. You just need to tell them that you love them but they have done their job in raising you well and that it is time for you to start making a life for yourself outside of the home.Tell them that you are grateful for everything they have done for you but now the time has come for you to be an adult. Let them know that you will always be there for them no matter where you live. They may not like it at first but they will eventually come around. As awkward as it may be I think it best to talk to them now so that they have some time to prepare before you leave. This way by the time you actually move they will have had plenty of time to come to terms with your decision and will most likely be more accepting of your choice to move out. I think if you just wait until the last minute it will make things worse. They will be extremely upset and may even lose respect for you for not having the courage to discuss it with them before hand. It will be hard but they are your parents and they love you so I'm pretty sure they will still want you in their life even if you aren't living in the home. They will probably try to guilt you into staying but you just need to stand your ground. Letting go is a hard thing to do for a parent especially with having lost your siblings but you just need to remind them that you are only moving, not going away forever. I'm pretty sure it will all work out in the end.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Are there spirits in my house?

I think you should be very careful in what you do with this spirit. Try spraying blessed sea salt water around your home everyday or whenever stuff happens. You can bless the water yourself with a pray. See if your mum will have a cleansing ceremony in the house to rid the spirit. Burn some sage.

My heart is breaking... What should I do?

I understand. My uncle died at an early age of 16. Even though I was not born, I have heard stories. My family grew apart and constantly fought. Try having family nights or opening up to your mom and dad. Tell them exactly how you feel. They will understand. Tell them you would like to have family time. If worse comes to worst, try going to a family counselor. It really helped my mom, sister and I have a better relationship after my sister's dad and my mom got a divorce. Also, hanging out with friends really helps me. Going to amusement parks or movies (anything fun really) helps you forget about the bad things in life. There is an organization called Family Paths that has a hotline that you could try. (1-800-829-3777) I hope all of this helped. Take care.

What is a good thank you gift for a teacher?

You can check out some online gift stores if you are unsure what kind of gifts to get. There is one store that I found that has a bunch of unique gift items, electronics, gadgets, keychains, and other interesting items. I bought a few things from them and the people I gave it to like it a lot. The stuff there is pretty cheap. They also have free shipping and they deliver fast. a href="" rel="nofollow"

Copyright infringement?

I was wondering, is it illegal to sell things with people's likeness on them? Ex. Can I make a profit from selling mugs with a picture of Jonas Salk or a shaded in picture of Gandhi?

What or who are/is the ancestor(s) of the Papillon?

I just noticed that there were some breeds that is somehow looks like or the characteristics were a bit similar to my papillon. I'm a bit puzzled if they have the same ancestor(s), place they came from and the likes. I'm not sure the others i just read a while ago, please post some confirmation also. Thanks

How much does it cost to have your ears pinned back in UK?

Im a 17 year old girl who has been bullied ever since primary school because of my ears. I can't tie my hair up because it looks ridicules. For a couple of months I've been stickying my ears back with double sided sticky tape because im trying everything to stick them back a bit but it's not working! Im not sure where to start with this. I can't afford to have this operation because I don't have any money and my parents can't afford it either so I'm not sure if I can get it free with the NHS at my age or what. Where do I start do I go to the doctors first and if yes then what the hell do I say?

Papillon movie??????

There's a part when he's in solitary confinement and he tries to stop himself from going crazy, is that the part you mean? Papillon isn't really a creepy or scary film.

Is my dog Papillon dog fat?

It does sound like she is getting overweight and you are right to cut back, see a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a You don't need a scales.

What can you tell me about the Cava-Lon (King Charles Cavalier/Papillon mix)?

My fiance and I are about to welcome the first addition to our family.... a rescue dog. We're in the midst of possibly adopting this precious 10 month your hold Cava-Lon (King Charles Cavalier/Papillon mix). We know about both breeds as a pure bred from what we've read online and experience -- for 6 years, we've dog sat a papillon named Ruby, who is the smartest, sweetest dog on earth. But what I'm wondering is if anyone knows any information about a Cava-lon, whether it's experience or documented facts. Information such as temperament, habits, training, barking and so on are helpful. Thanks so much!

My 10 month old puppy won't go potty outside.?

I have a 10 month old Papillon that will not go to the bathroom outside, she is a rescue puppy that we just got today, apparently she was kept in the bedroom of the other persons house and went potty on a puppy pad, we have one set up inside and in the last 6 hours she has eaten about a cup and a half of food and well over a cup or 2 of water and still no potty inside or outside, Also she apparently has never been on a leash outside because when we put her on the ground she just stands there and also when we try to walk and "tug" her gently she puts the brakes on immediately and refuses to walk with us. Please help me with ANY suggestions all will be openly taken :D

I need some info on the Papillon dog...?

I've checked in my library for books about about them but no luck. What I want to know is what they are like with other dogs, and how much they cost.

What product should i use?

I know of many tick product that prevent them, such as frontline or K9 advantix. But often even when ticks are dead, they will still stay stuck on the body. The best bet, although many owners don't want to do this, is to shave the puppy to find all the ticks. You need to take the puppy to the vet to make sure the ticks haven't given him any diseases or he hasn't had to many on him to make him anemic. Check your puppy's gums to make sure they are still pink. The best thing to do is to take the dog to the vet. He will tell you the best products to prevent ticks in the future, make sure the puppy is still healthy, and get rid of the existing ticks.

Who wants to try my Lava Java...?

Combine 1/2 cup of milk and 1/2 of water...add a few Red dried Chili flakes (the kind you sprinkle on Pizza)...bring to a boil in a Microwave...let it rest for 1/2 to 1 minute...Strain into a coffee mug so that the flakes are removed...Add instant coffee (Nescafe Rich/Riche)...add Nestle liquid Hazelnut flavored Coffee-mate...optional add Teaspoon Whiskey...optional Whipped Cream...optional Cinnamon

SURVEY: have you ever worn a papillon?


Agility? Papillon, Brittany, or Australian Shepherd?

For agility, Australian Shepherd or Brittany. A papillon is not a very agile dog compared to these to breeds.

'Papillon' didnt get anywhere near excitement of the book on screen so what's your pick/opinion?

Yes, I agree. I read the book and saw the film then. I love Steve McQueen, but the film was but a very bad copy and never came near the story and excitement of the book.

Which is a better career option: Homeopathy or Engineering or Dental?

I've appeared for the entrances for all these courses and secured good ranks. Personally, I'm not very good at mugging up stuffs. Rather I prefer audio-visuals for studying or better say, logic and reasoning. I personally prefer practical study over theoretical one. I, personally, don't prefer a lot of hard work to get established. I'm also a bit money minded. :P Really confused which career to opt for. Please help!

Messing around with my bestfriends boyfriend?

You need to be as honest with her as you were with us. It's as simple as that. And even once you explain it to her, she may still need lots of time to get over it, just like you did with her. Be understanding and supportive. Take blame and wait for her to be okay.

My puppy does not let me know wher she has to go potty?

I have a 4 month old papillon she is having problems with letting me know she has to go out. I bought a Poochie-Bell and she is scared of it so that's not working. Now I know normally you can tell when they have to go out they sniff around but she does that all of the time so I have a hard time knowing what is just sniffing around for fun and what is I have to go potty sniffing. So I'm wondering what I can do to get her to let me know that she has to go out and also if there is something that is causing her to sniff around all of the time

Does this make any sense to you?

ive been seeing this guy for over a year,nothing offical yet. he said he doesnt want a relationship and i know hes not fooling around on me. after a year,im almost positive of it. today i asked him, "hypothetically..if i was to have another man i was seeing taking me out,sleeping in my bed,kissing me and making love to me in rotation to you..what would you do?" he responded with it would change things with us because its not cool to be with two people at the same time. he also stated he cant get mad at me for it if what i want is a serious relationship..he doesnt want to hold me back from that. this,to me is all very confusing. he says were not commited but if i test the waters with other men and then things will change (even worse than now) which i could only assume he'd sever ties with me. its like commitment with nocommitment. its like strings attached with no strings attached..but..with the strings..attached. can anyone make any sense out of this? its like hes trying to convince himself of something. im not concerned about the status of the relationship as much as i am curious about what kind of "logic" is behind all this contradiction. if i see other people its okay but it would change things? at a smaller point whats the best way to help him come to his senses. ive decided i should cut contact down.

Where can I buy designer men's clothing cheap?

You know those outlet stores like TJ Maxx, Ross and so on? Are there any stores similar to shoe online for designer men's clothing? I am looking form brand names like Calvin Klein, Kate Moss, Nautica, Tommy Hilfiger and stuff like that. Men's ties, shirts, etc.

Trouble codes P0440 and P0410?

2001 Chevy blazer 4.3 automatic. i have trouble codes p0440 (evap malfunction) tied in with p0410 (2ndary air malfunction). I replaced the air pump and new hose assembly. Light came back on with same two codes. (The pump sucks in air and works fine). I think I may have found the problem. I traced it to the 2 air check valves that lead into the manifold. If these are stuck open and/or detiorating, the evap system isn't achieving enough vacuum during it's test so the pressure drops and sets the p0440. Does this make sense to anybody or am i off base?

A question about Araldite?

It is a chemical reaction, most likely caused by the "heat" in the dishwasher. In the future, consider this for repairing ceramic mugs, take the mugs to a ceramic shop. In the ceramic shop, they will use slip to make the repair, fire the mug in a kiln and then add a clear coat and re-fire it again, making it like new again.

I'm getting a male papillon puppy, need help with names?

gizmo is really cute. you might want to get him and focus on his personality for a few days before you decide. for example, my mom's dog's name was kitty beacuse he acted like a cat. also, see what name he responds to the most. you can also named him based on his looks. for example, my friend's papillon's name was butterfly beacuse of it's ears and her yorkshire terrier's name is lunch :)

Swollen tragus, pleaseeee help?

You could've slept on it, hit it, or even nicked it in your sleep. Keep up the good cleanliness, and if the swelling doesn't go down within a few days call your piercer.

Two questions about new puppy...?

Until she gets her third round I would hold off on taking her any where lots of dogs or cats are. If you have a lot of raccoons make sure you look around your yard real well for any packages they may have left. Also make sure that you don't let her chew on anything in the yard. Parasites at such a young age can cause damage to her intestines and stomach. If you plan to walk her at such a young age do not use a collar as you could choke her if she pulls. A harness would be a better safer option. Stop about every hour to let her out of the car for the bathroom. She will probably be nervous so actually keeping her in a crate for transport will help sooth her nerves a little ask the person you are getting her from about two days before you pick her to rub an old towel all over the mother dog and get it stinking like her real well. Doggy totes are something she will have to get used to. Make sure it is well vented and she can see out it clearly. The tote should also not be the only crate she has. If you plant to crate train her at all start right away. A space for home, space for the car and a tote for walking around with. They also make carriages for dogs that can be an easier for taking walks with. With the potty training if you catch her peeing some where mop it up with a paper towel and place it in the box under the chips. Placing a piece of feces in the chips will also make her smell where to go.

Is the Papillon hard to teach and housebreak?

i have found smarter dogs are much easier to housebreak ... the problem only happens when the dog is smarter than the owner ...

Why has my dog suddenly started snapping?

Okay so my mom and I are both his primary caretakers. He has always been so kind to else and is very protective of us. Lately, he snapped at me once yesterday morning and he snapped at my mom as well today. He isn't biting down but it's kind of a snarl with a fake bite. I'm wondering what the cause of this can be. I did change his food schedule to what a normal dog should eat because he really needs a diet. We used to just refill his bowl whenever it ran out. He is a papillon. I am giving him the recommended food amount of the box (1 1/2 cups per day). I give him about 1/2 cup of food 3 times a day. Is he getting pissed because of this? What's the problem here? He is a 6 year old papillon and has always been a little aggressive but never towards me or my mom.

Where can I get a photo plate made?

You know those plates with a picture. Like the mugs with family pictures but only a plate. I checked shutterfly and wallgreens and it doesn't show on the site that they do them anymore. Any stores in person in Phoenix or websites online that still do them?

Rit tie dye help please??? thanks!!?

I am making t-shirts for my basketball team. I am using plain white t-shirts then dyeing them red with rit dye. How many boxes or packages of rit dye do I need to make 20 t-shirts?

Friday, July 15, 2011

WEDDING ANNIVERSARY GIFT - personalised photo gift?

kindly someone suggest a personalised photo gift except a photo mug for my sister's first wedding anniversary.i really need their photos to be engraved on the gift and it should be bought online and sent to trichy,India..pls someone suggest a good item with the link to shop online...

Which breed out of these ones?

go onto google and type in "poodle review" and "bichons review" you will find someone has done a list of the pros and cons (:

What legal rights do grandparents have in pennsylvania?

My ex boyfriend and I have a 2 year old daughter. Throughout our 3 and a half year relationship my exes mom usually took my daughter about once a week to spend time with her. She really is a great woman and I trust her caring for my daughter. Since my ex and I split about a month ago, she still continues to take my daughter about once a week. I never gave her a problem about this as it is absolutely no problem with me. Recently, I was informed that she had gone to a lawyer and had him write something up to secure her visitation rights with my daughter. Although, she is a great person in the sense of being caring she also is very pushy in getting what she wants. I feel threatened because I have not given her reason to believe that I wouldn't let her visit with my daughter. I could see if since my ex and I split I had yet to let her see my daughter but that is not the case at all. I am not saying that it would be anytime soon but years from now after I'm done with school, I don't necessarily want to be tied down to the area i'm in. I very well may never leave but i'd like to have the option open. Is there anything that a grandparent could do to legally tie me down to the area i'm living in? This isn't an issue with the father of my child. I understand that if he really wanted to he would have the right to have me stay in the area to assure he sees his child. That isn't the case though. This is purely the grandmothers doing.

Why does my female dog not like other female dogs?

I have a 1 and a half year old Papillon that does not like other female dogs. Whenever I walk her and she sees another female dog she starts to bark at the dog and tries to run at the dog but I have to hold her back with the leash. It looks like she wants to attack the dog. Why does my dog do this? Is it a socialization problem? How do I fix this? She has no problem with male dogs.

Do you like this book idea (FAST EASY 10 POINTS)?

this sounds really good and interesting. i would want to read it even if your only doing it for a hobby.

How much does a min pin/ papillon mix puppy cost?

You don't buy a mixed breed dog, you adopt them from rescues & shelters. That will run anywhere from about $40 to a couple hundred. It's a bargain when you consider they usually come vet checked, neutered/spayed & w/ all their shots

What should i make in pottery class?

Its supposed to be a gift for my Godmother. Ive made bowls, vases, mugs, stepping stones, and pots in the past. Im running out of ideas! Help! :)

How to get a bikini bottom that fits right?

buy the larger ones and just tie them a little tighter. if that doesnt work, then try to find a different style... theres nothing much i can tell you

How long have schools been having proms?

When I was at school (when guns were toys and made of plastic) we had an end of term disco. We wore the latest trend if we could afford it. In my last disco the trend was those skin tight satin trousers with a long t shirt tied in a knot at the side. Today apparently you need a limo, ball gown and diamonds. What happens to the poor kids who cant afford these luxuries? Ive just loaned my God daughter my Monsoon taffeta ball gown.

Hi,please I really need help.?

You might be able to go to your bank and have them reverse the transaction. The record of the transaction is your receipt, but I think you have been scammed.

I have UK convention travel ducoment and i got refused for B2 USA tourist visa, please advise me?

Basically the consular said i have family living in the USA therefore i had strong ties in the USA so thats why I was ineligible for visa, the consoler didn't bother to have look at my supporting documents.. if felt very humiliated as I was a genuine non-immigrant tourist, how will I ever be able to see my family i miss them alot, should we arrange to meet in different country? and take the huge expenses

Don't want to go to a party, can I say no?

Basically I have been invited to a black tie party for my cousin's 18th bday. My parents have also been invited. I have social anxiety problems and will not know any of my cousin's friends etc, and barely see my cousin anyway so I really do not want to go to this event. However my mum is insisting I do and saying it would be rude etc. However I'm 18, shouldn't I be able to make my own choices about stuff like this? The thought of going makes me feel like having a panic attack.

How do you know if a puppy is attached to you?

On Sunday my family bought an unexpected Papillon puppy for my 11 year old brother and he seems to like me a bit more. I'd like to prove him wrong, since he says "If Cody is attached to you, we get rid of him," So? What are the signs a dog is attached to you?

What should I wear today? *Pictures*?

I hate both. Sorry! I think you would look much better in baggy graphic tees, straight jeans, converse, brighter hair color. Or even, jean shorts and flowy tanks.

Is it illegal to "take" a dog that isnt yours ?

We are keeping this pit bull -storm. The first day (jay)-moms friend brings her over IN HEAT and ties her to the trEe with a male mixed breed. Well jay can't keep storm where he's living at so we are keeping her. And he said that if any of the puppies are mixed that he would kill them . Can I get someone else to keep her until she had the pups and until there atleast 6 weeks old ? It was his fault they got together he tied them to a tree together but storm is inside now. She is so sweet ! Can I just say she ran away ? And came back like 5 months later. ?????

Why are some religious people so hypocrite & won�t help the poors?

So true, it's sad but I guess if they're unwilling to help poor people, they aren't really in the true path of God, and I don't know much about Christianity but can nuns even forgive convicts? or condemn them for that matter.........shouldn't that be up to god, no?

Great apartment pet!?

My finacee and I are looking for a great apartment pet that would get along with a male cat. The pet must be under 50 lbs. We are looking at small dogs, a papillon is what we are looking at now, and just want to know any other animals that would be good. Thank you.

Pls helm me to find a new manga to read.?

read fushigi yuugi, absolute boyfriend, fruits basket, inuyasha, wedding peach, tokyo mew mew, vampire knight, etc.

Do ultrasonic cat repellers upset dogs?

I want to keep neighbours' cats out of my garden because of fouling and annoyance to my dog. She's a toy dog, a Papillon. She barks frantically when she sees or hears cats, and she comes indoors stinking of cat pee because they spray my shrubs. Also I'm afraid that a semi-feral cat that visits might injure her. Thinking of buying a Defenders Mega-Sonic, but am concerned that a small (8 lbs) dog may be upset by the noise. Has anybody with a small dog used such a device please?

Should i hate black people?

I got jumped in a fight by like 6 black persons and i got mugged in the last day of school by a couple of black punks !! this was all in my freshman year

What is the right breed for me?

I its difficult to answer this because australian shepherd would've been a great choice but they shed quite a bit, so i really don't no:(

What exactly did he get charged with?

He was arrested for prohibited acts including the manufacture, distribution and possession of a Schedule 1 (prohibited under federal law) drug, namely marijuana.

Where can i upload my picture onto a drinking glass?

There is lots of sites where you can upload a picture to have printed on a mug for a gift but i cant find one that prints on glass. I found a shop locally that does beer mugs but the gifts for a girl so id like a normal glass! Ive customised a photo. Any ideas??

Dream Interpretation?

Buses indicate the journey through your life. The robber symbolises your anxiousness about your safety. The knives and cutting represent your feelings about aggression and anger, and your resentment torward the person who was mugging you. When you put all of this toghether, it looks like you might have anxiety problems. And was the crowd important in the dream also?

Help! Mental illness and very stupid thoughts! Im losing it?

hey guys, i really need some help. I have been suffering with agoraphobia for the past 7 years and i also have a fear of certain people leaving the house aswell as fear of swallowing but only if certain people are not in the hous, if everyone is home then i am fine to eat and drink normally. I also have ocd issues. So as you can see i have a few issues to say the least. since friday though things have got 100 times worse. My mum left to go to the doctors and i completely lost it, i dialled 999, i was shaking and not listening to anyone else, i just kept ringing and ringing her mobile until she picked up and agreed to come home, even then though i wasnt sure to beleive her. Since then i have been completely overthinking everthing and get panicked about the simpliest things that i have been doing all my life, i cant believe im saying this but i wont flush the upstairs toilet and i have asked everyone else not too, so they use the downstairs one instead but they keep asking when i will flush it, ive also stopped washing my mugs of tea, i wont eat properly or drink properly as my fear is that once its gone its gone and there is no going back. I have completely and utterly lost the plot and i cant bear to be like this but i would rather die than have to go through panic again. Panic for me now lasts 2 hours at a time rather than 5 - 10 minutes as they have done previously. If anyone has any advice please let me know. Thanks

Despite what liberas think, Would bringing back segregation make America safer?

Do you remember when you didn't have to lock your doors at night? Do you remember when you didn't have to worry about your car being stolen 5 minutes after you parked it? Do you remember when you were less afraid of being mugged on the street? Do you remember when you didn't have to worry about some black kid raping your daughter after a football game and knocking her up?

I'm completely baffled by my house-trained dog's habit of urinating WHILE eating, HELP!?

I have 2 small dogs; a papillon and a 7 month old small (8lb) terrier mix. The terrier is incredibley smart, and he was a breeze to housetrain. He NEVER has accidents, and has been consistant with his house-trainging since he was 2 months old. He always lets me know when he needs to go out, and is able to go at least 6 hours home alone uncrated without accidents. So I just can't understand why when I feed him at night, the second he starts eating, he starts peeing! I immediately pick him up and put him outside, and wait for him to pee, but he won't! Then, after 10 minutes or so, I'll let him inside and let him eat, and he'll start peeing again! This can go back and forth (eat-pee-out-in-eat-pee-out-in) for what feels like forever, until he's "empty". I've never had a dog who's had this problem, has anybody seen this before? What can I do to prevent this? I was letting him out before he gets his dinner to prevent him peeing, but now he associates with going outside at a certain time of night with getting his dinner, and won't pee outside at that time :/

Which is a better career option: Homeopathy or Engineering or Dental?

I've appeared for the entrances for all these courses and secured good ranks. Personally, I'm not very good at mugging up stuffs. Rather I prefer audio-visuals for studying or better say, logic and reasoning. I personally prefer practical study over theoretical one. I, personally, don't prefer a lot of hard work to get established. I'm also a bit money minded. :P Really confused which career to opt for. Please help!

My dog is really thin how can i bulk him up?

Hes my moms dog he is a papillon, and he is about nine years old. He eats his dog food just fine and every now and then he gets a few table scraps. But he is very thin and you can feel his rib and hip bones. He does not seem to be in any pain he still likes to go on walks and play with his toys. I was just wondering if thats normal for his breed and age, and if there was a way to maby get him to start chunkin on the pounds?

School trip to Thorpe Park any hairstyle ideas ?

Unless your hair gets REALLY tangled easily, you should think about having a least some of it down. What I would do is part your hair on the side and french braid a section in the front. Then clip, rubber band, or bobby pin it, but make sure its secure. Or your could do your hair half up half down, but braid the top half. Hope this helps!

Papillon dog breed info?

hi friend before one year my sis have that dog,after all she says its very difficults to care and handle that she has a pet cute white rabbit ,i too suggest that type of cute rabbit

Nina Dobrev and fellow Vampire Diaries cast members arrested or stunt?

From what i've read they were doing a photoshoot from a bridge and people called and complained so the police charged them with disorderly conduct. And if there are mugshots then yes she probably was in jail, but for a very short time. But like you said, all we know is what gossip sites post, so we will never know the full truth :)

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Is it illegal to carry a knife on you?

i'm always hearin stories around my neighborhood about people gettin mugged in broad daylight,there was one story in the paper about this girl who went to the bathroom in Barnes & Nobles and some guy came in the bathroom after her and mugged her (she wasn't raped though thank god) these stories scare the crap out of me and make me scared it's gonna happen to me.Seeing as how i'm a girl,and kinda short i'm not real strong either.So just to make me feel better i've taken to carrying a knife on me everywhere i go.especially if i have to go somewhere at night.It just makes me feel better to carry extra protection.And all my girl friends carry knives for the same reason.So i was wondering,is it okay to carry a knife on me? is it okay if i take it into the store with me? and will i get charged with having a weapon by the police if i have to use it on someone?

Where to buy extra large sleeping bags and rope?

I lead a local scout group and we are going camping this weekend in a remote region of the Ozark Mountains. So remote in fact, if someone was to scream bloody murder (hypothetically of course), no one would hear them! I was wondering how I was going to watch over 6 young boys all by myself, and then it hit me! I will just buy an extra large sleeping bag so at night I don't have to worry about the boys wondering off. Also, it will keep us extra warm. If they don't make extra large sleeping bags though, I'm sure we could squeeze into a normal size one. Oh, and also, where can I buy rope? Im looking for very strong rope. The kind of rope you would use to tie someone up with if you had too (again, hypothetically speaking).

How much do you know about DOG BREEDS? Let's play a game?

I wanna give the same answer as everyone else except instead of a Samoyed, I'm gonna say it's an American Eskimo Dog

How to attach a harness to a fake noose?

Get a body harness, and make sure the noose rope is slack at the top of the tree, or don't tie it at all on the top of the tree, just swing it over the limb. Under the assumption that it'll be dark and you can't see the top of the tree, of course. Put the body harness under the person's clothes if it's not dark enough outside to hide it.

2nd lobe piercing help please?

ok, so i just turned 14, and i got my 2nd lobe piercing done in july when i was 13, it doesn't hurt alot, just like a pinch for 1 second.. it will be sore for a few days after, but it will go away. it doesn't give a bad impression, i think it looks cute, and i got alot of complements throughout the year on it. many girls at my school have it done. i went to Claire's, it was about 30 bucks for just the simple little purple studs, and the cleaner. its not bad to get it with a gun on your lobe. hope this helps, i think you should go for it! =)

Why does my dog sit/lay on the top edge of the couch?

My dog sits and lays on the top edge of the couch just like a cat would. He's very large, Rottweiler/Lab so it's not just convenient for him. My previous dog who was a Papillon and very small did the same thing.

Are Papillon dogs very high maintenance? Do they tend to bark a lot, and have a lot of health issues? Thanks!?

I have never had one, but my old trainer bred them. They ARE adorable, but require quite a bit of brushing and grooming. They are also quite yappy, like a chihuahua. Except for ear problems if you don't clean their ears frequently, I don't know about their health issues.

How often to people get mugged right after getting out of the cash cab.?

it just seems like they get out in terrible neighborhoods and the just start waving the cash around and dancing.

If a guy mugs me and i end up shooting him with my gun in the knee with a pistol what will happen next?

I decided to have a gun on me at all time since i live in a very dangerous neighborhood known for theft. If i end up getting mugged and shooting someone in the knew, whats going to happen to me and the OG?

My wife won't let me use her stainless steel mugs (which she drinks water in) for my coffee.?

They're your typical mug, with the black plastic inside. She says it leaves a coffee taste. I think this is nonsense, and it comes clean with soap as any other dish. Could she be right?

How do you tie the new Taylor Swift bracelets?

I got a love love love bracelet from the Taylor Swift website, and Taylor made a video on how to tie them, but that was the old version of the bracelet. I want to tie it so you can JUST see the love love love part because most videos show you how to tie it so the Taylor Swift part is visible as well, but I don't want it like that. Any help? Thanks a lot :)♥

Question about dogs: which would you choose?

The Coton is a playful, affectionate, intelligent breed,he is very cute and i think that that one will be good for you.

Can Papillons stand the cold?

I want to get a pet Papillon, but in winter it gets very chilly and cold where I live. Papillons are so small but they do have coats, will my dog be okay if I keep her inside and when I do take her out in winter put her in sweaters?

Question about dogs: which would you choose?

Chihuahuas are very temperature sensitive. While I have never owned one, I have heard they can prove hard to potty train and train in general. With most toy breeds, they will probably also be pretty yappy. Are you familiar with dogs? I would suggest training whichever you choose to get (as most with toy dogs don't), because when your dog learns it can rule the house, it's not fun...and they can get pretty bratty. I have a toy dog currently though, and she has been doing very well. Your dog will definitely have lots of love, if there are no other pets. Sounds like you've thought it through well!

Where to find the dog I want?

look for a rescue shelter for that breed. and adopt, they wont ever forget what you have done for them.

What are some pros and cons? Papillon, Toy Poodle, or Chihuahua.?

I'm getting a new dog, and I JUST CAN'T DECIDE! I've narrowed it down to these three cute lil' things! Pros and cons? Please help!? And thanks for your answer!!

Glee Project Question?

What guy do u think is the hottest? Think a tie between cameron and damian ;) Idk why i think damian is hot because he's not my typical type, but he is hotttttt! Haha

How's school supposed to be like?

So you wanna talk in class but when your close friends talk, it irratates you? Maybe if you pay attention in class you wont be bored...

Dealing with ring conflicts (AKC show)?

If the papillons are on at 10 and the BCs are on at 10:20 with 6 breeds in front you'll have to hurry but it should be fine.

How to get my parents to stop using my stuff?

Either keep your mugs dirty and clean them before you use them, keep your parents mugs clean and shiny so they take them instead of yours or hide your mugs. I don't know how useful this is but I hope it helps!

Court for no proof of insurance! ?

I got pulled over back in march and didnt have no proof of insurance had court and still didnt have no proof of insurance so i was fined with 500 but havent payed the fine do to financial problems, i got pulled over again last moth again with no proof of insurance got arrested bc it turns out my license was suspended got my mug shot finger prints taken and have court on Thursday.. at work they been cutting my hrs and i cant afford to renew my insurance its just to much money i can barely pay my car, but i have papers that show that i have insurance from feb-Aug 2011 but since i havent paid it its no good, but i was wondering if i show it to court and pretend its still good will they know? Can they tell if i do or dont have insurance even if i show that proof? I know its bad but im so stressed with work and not having money and thats my last resort :(

My housebroken dog just peed on my husband...?

shocking, an un-neutered male reaching sexual maturity has started to mark ... good thing i was sitting down ... and it is a lovely testament to what little respect the puppy has for your husband ... dog screwed up before it is even a year old ... there should be an award ... get the stupid dog fixed ...

What To Make A Fairy House Out Of?

I have one outside of my room ( window) and another one in the woods hidden. I made mine out old twigs and this I find on the ground. Then I glued moss and leaves on top of the house. plus i put in parsley and rosemary because they are attracted to those spices

What dog breed would be best for my situation?

I have a Bischon Frise (my profile pic) and it is small, doesn't shed (i know you didn't care), I leave it home for extended periods of time on occasion, very easy to train, and requires a medium amount of exercise. I have trained her to sleep in, and she is hypo-allergenic. Bischon Frise's usually are said to require a lot of grooming, but I leave mine with a nice poodle cut. She's not much work to take care of and I couldn't imagine life without her.

Which one do you think is a better companion?

Papillons are very yappy But Pomerainians are harder to train. Also papillons like to chew on stuff but they are much easier to train.Pomeranians lso aren't real good around Other dogs. Well if you spend a lot of time with one train it the would be a fine pet but personally a papillons and pomerainians are both very hard to teach.

Why is my Papillon's nose turning pink?

My papillon is almost 2 years old and my mom and I noticed that her nose is turning pink. Its not bloody or anything and she hasn't rubbed her nose aagainstanything. It just turned from black to a light pink. Is there anything wrong? Or is it a natural thing? Thank you!

My papillon dog keeps scratching?

My dog keeps scratching. She cires and scratches her side and neck. I dont see any fleas and she is a inside dog. I live in mississauga ontario. I am taking her to the vet later today. I gave her a bath last night and it didn't help. Does anyone have any ideas?

How can I be pregnant???????????

so I got what I thought was my period last month but it lasted about 3 days, when it usually last 7 days & it was late. I have been waiting for my period this month, I should've started Monday and it is now Wednesday. I usually have a 28 day cycle...could my cycle change? Please say that is the case. I have 3 children and really do not want any more. I do NOT feel pregnant. I am usally very sick. I am hoping I am just stressed. The only symptom I have is nasuea, but I just associated that with me about to start my period. Also my tubes are tied. That is another reason why I do not think I am not pregnant. I am going to wait until the weekend to take a PT. But I was wondering what other females thought.

Really, really good romance manga?

Tokyo crazy paradise is completed and 130 chapters, I think. it's all online, and by the same mangaka as skip beat. It's really unique, suuuper funny, with slow developing romance and lots of plot. I suggest you go to myanimelist, type in a manga you have read, and look at the recommendations for it.

Is it worth obtaining a puppy, particularly a papillon dog from a breeder?

I can't help it, but I love, love, love, a papillon dog. There are rarely any papillons in the shelters, and then there's, but they are no where near me to adopt one. Has any of you adopted a papillon from a breeder or shelter and are you happy with him/her? Your feedback is greatly appreciated.

Another math question?

Mr.Trump ordered 16m+27=955 mugs. Solve the equation to figure out how many mugs they need to order. Show all steps.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

LADIES: Is this 7th grade shopping list too much?

300 bucks my ***'re in 7th grade. the victorias secret underwear isn't necessary. I still wore $7 5 pack underwear from walmart with the lady bugs and stuff when i was in 7th grade. 4 pairs of skinny jeans is fine not 5. no one will notice. all the shirts is very unnecessary. The dresses you can get later when you're doing school dances and stuff.

Is this NORMAL for my dog?

Okay, so I have had my female papillon for three years and have two other dogs and I was wondering if this is normal; sometimes when my dog goes to sleep she kind of whimpers and starts moving, as if she has a nightmare. Is this normal? It's been going on for a while, I think it's normal, but I just want to make sure =) When she wakes up, she is normal and healthy and he usual bubbly self. Thanks

What to do? I'm competitive.?

I just feel incredibly upset and disappointed in myself right now. I'm in a golf class, and i don't want to be vain or arrogant. But people would consider me as one of the best in class. I have two new golf buddies, one whom i'm always trusting, and the other, not sure about. But recently we've been practicing, and they've been getting better. I feel like i've let my guard down, and i'm not as almighty as i used to be. I've been practicing with my trusted buddy. The other, she's been practicing more, and people have said she's jealous of me and what not. (sorry if i'm seeming arrogant or whatever.) I just feel like i'm out of the running, and not the best anymore. This may not seem like a big difference, but their golf clubs are up to date. So i feel like with my knock down clubs i'm not performing as well as i am. We all tied today, and we decided to play from the black tees, we got bogeys. But i just feel SOO incredibly upset that i tied. Yah, you could definitely say i'm competitive and jealous. I just don't know what to do to rid of this feeling. I've been in my golf level for about a year, and i'm about to go to the next level. I just want to be the best, but idk. Am i overreacting? Please help and make me feel better. ;)

Chest back and neck muscles tightened up?

I bent over to tie my shoe stood up right and my back neck and chest muscles started tightening up any explanations??

Out of these dogs listed what one should i get and why?

Entirely depends on what you want in a dog. How much exercise will you provide daily (a fenced yard is no substitute for exercise out of it)? Ho wmuch grooming are you willing to do? What activities do you want the dog to be able to participate in with you? What is your experience level with dogs? What sort of personality do you prefer? How much shedding can you tolerate? Hiow much time and effort are you willing to invest in training? Do you have other pets and what kinds? Are there children in your home? And so on. A number of the breeds on your list are wonderful with the right owners in the right home, but aren't suitable for the majority of pet homes.

How do I stop giving someone a lift every day?

It's not about the money and it is. We live same place and work same place, I'm sick of being used for my car and not getting offered petrol money or even getting a thank you. I know I am not going out of my way one little bit but I hate the ungratefulness , it's made me hate him. Im doing him a favour taking him to and from work he must be laughing at me behind my back and I feel like a mug. Also I don't doubt that if my car broke down he would happily sod off and leave me to pick up the pieces wouldn't he? Im sure he would say "well, it's your car, your problem" I've no doubt of that. So how call I tell him to piss off without looking like a tight fisted **** who is making a big deal out of nothing. How can I put what I wanna say in words without rocking the boat

Is Halo Purely For Pets good for my dog?

i think halo is a good dog food ... a while back they made a change to their recipes and my dog who had been eating the salmon one started getting more allergy symptoms ... when i contacted halo via email they told me the only change was more egg added so i did stop using it based on my dogs symptoms ... i am using natures balance sweet potato and fish limited ingredient grain-free food now ... it has worked well for my dog and i supplement with evangers wild caught canned salmon, the canned food, and the treats ... my dog did horrible on science diet ... and i also had all the bloodwork done at the vet, went to a doggie allergist where she was tested and then shots for what she is allergic too for almost a year with no effect (my bank account was significantly smaller for no results) ... if your dog has never had lamb before i would definitely give it a try ... i have tried my dog on innumerable brands of dog food, the barf diet, the prey model diet and nothing has worked for my dog and her allergies but the natures balance ... i think the trick with allergic dogs is keep trying till you find one that works ... and it sounds like your dog did fine on halo and lamb is a unique protein source for your dog so you should give it a try ...

Do you run with your papillon?

If so how often and how far? How did you build up to the program you are using? I usually run 3-4 times a week from 3-12 miles, although at some point I want to train for a marathon so the distances would go up. I'm not fast by any stretch of the imagination. I would love to take my new 2 year old papillon mix with me but don't want to do anything that would hurt her. She is from the shelter and we don't know what other breed she is but she weights about 15 lbs.

I have papillon/bichon frise mix she is 1 1/2 yrs old and she is shedding what should i do?

You need to brush her daily. You should also shampoo and dry her with a towel. Adding virgin olive oil to her food, might also help. But, you can expect shedding during the spring from almost all dogs. If none of these things work by the time summer roles around, try changing her dog food to something of higher quality.

Help my dog is constipated and i don;t know what to do?

hello i have a papillon breed dog and she is constipated. when she poops it will take her a bit of time as he moves in different stops to poop. i have tried her with the wet food and she poops to much and it is like she gets sick from that stuff. my question is dose anyone know a dry dog food that can help my dog as i don;t want her on wet food at all thanks

Dog seems to have lost control of one ear and shaking its head constantly?

My 6 month old papillon seem to have all of a sudden lost control of one of its ear. its just hanging there like its loose. Also she shakes her head constantly like she's trying to get it back upright and erected but can't. She does scratch the ear sometimes. I have another dog and its a yorkie and they do fight sometimes. could it be that they had a little rough fight and injured it or maybe an ear infection or could it be something even worst? Thanks in advance.

Would a french press work well for Greek coffee?

I was wondering if the screen would still filter out the coffee because Greek coffee is basically powder, I'm planning on getting a travel french press mug so i can drink my coffee on the go without worrying about getting a mouthful of coffee powder.

Can a mood enhancer help the creation of lucid dreams?

I have a mood enhancer supplements, they have many natural ingredients like mug wort and such. Can they enhance lucid dreaming?

How to get perm out of your hair using products.?

My friend told me there's this mug product , its clean mug and it takes away all the bad odors , perm and anything else in your hair. is that true? and what other products are there that will take it out because i want to dye the back of my hair a light brown. + i have african american hair.

How do I get my dog to stop sleeping in another room?

My dog is a papillon. She is not scared of anyone in our house. In our house, there are 5 people. Cricket, (my dog) always goes to sleep with my grandma. (#5) :D Anyway, she will only sleep on my bed in my room if the door is closed and she can't get out. Why doesn't she like my room? How do I get her to sleep with me??? :(

Why is Jair Jurrjens so underrated?

He is underrated I agree, but if season ended today Halladay would still win cy young off of him, because Halladay has much more stats to look at you can not just look at ERA, Jurrjens doesn't go that far in games, that's why his ERA is so low and when he is in trouble they just take him out and bullpen gets out of it, this reminds me of last years Ubaldo Jimenez

How much spending money to take to London for 2 weeks? /Souvenir ideas?

I was going to say 1500~2000 but i have a kid so i would be buying gifts and shopping but my price range has nothing to do with urs u should budget your money and spend it wisely on something u really want if 950 is enough spend it wisely

Should I be satisfied with what I have with girls?

Ok well I get a lot of girls in total from the year of 2010 and 2011 i have gotten at least 15 girls or so. not in the sense of relationship but all like intense flirting. The thing is I haven't been in a relationship for years. I'm not really complaining though because like i always have a girl in my arms but in the end we always stay in that friend zone. Its not because im too nice a guy though or because they think im gay but.. Well i honestly don't know why, but there are specifically 2 girls i really like and i might ask one of them out but im not sure. Also one thing i wanna make clear im no player. but seince im not tied down to any girl i flirt very much and they flirt back. but sometimes i wonder why girls never wanna go further like most of the girls i have flirted with, we have gotten soo far its like why not be in a relationship. i dont know i just wanna know why. im happy that i at least have girls and stuff but i kinda want something more but it feels like they think im not relationship material. But i for sure am i guess im just a clown sometimes but they know i can be serious and mature. Advice or Suggestions.. thanks!

Using doggy car seats!?

Ok, I own a doggie carseat. As far as crash protection, none. I'm pretty sure the airbag would destroy my dogs if we were ever to get in a wreck. As for comfort and smooth driving, yes. Instead of everyone fighting for the lap seat, now everyone sits harnessed into the booster seat. My dogs are completely content looking at the windows while on long drives.

Why is it so many Chihuahua that is in shelters?

Unfourtnately they have been very overbred, everyone thinks that they would make a great pet to carry around in their purse but then they realize that they have to train this little thing too. Then they end up in a shelter, because some stupid kid didn't know what they were getting into. People also like to breed their own pets and Chihuahua's are a very popular breed.

Phsycological disorder with the one girl?

you should tell him hes acting a lil nutty about this check i think hes a little crazy be careful with him he might think you want his girl....someone let coco out of the clock

Would a man who was in jail for 12 years have a healthy realtionship?

with a woman...if he robbed a liquor store, use to take drugs, tied up old people and killed a dog when he was younger.. now he is going to college has a job, but still is on parole and lives with his mom and grandma and brother? and he is 32 years old? He drinks beer when he comes home every night.. says the f word that comes out of his mouth alot and says he wants a long term relationship but I think he never follows through?

Tying up problem? Help please!?

there's one problem about most thoroughbreds,well ex race horses at least, is if they feel pressure they usually pull AGAINST it, so maybe tying him up to twine is better so that if he does pull against it, he will get away without hurting himself or anyone else.

Papillon vs. Doberman Pinscher?

Both are EXTREMELY different so really there can be no answer as to which is better. Dobermans are large, so they must be well trained so they don't take advantage of you. Toy dogs aren't the best to be around children, and they are usually very timid near anything larger than them. Hope you make the right decision, good luck!

Should I end the friendship or carry on.... Help please!?

Kick him to the curb! A true friend wouldn't treat you so disrespectfully. Don't continue to be his doormat.

How to end a friendship bracelet?

I can't see the image you have put up but the general idea of a friendship braclet is that it wairs out and breaks off on its own. When your friend ties it onto your wrist you are supposed to make a wish that comes true when the bracelet breaks. Otherwise the only way I suppose is to cut it off with scissors carefully!

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

How to convince my mother to let me have a dog?

(You would be buying a dog, not adopting.) As long as you are living in your parent's home, you have to respect THEIR decision not to have a dog in THEIR home. If they wanted a dog, they would get one. When you move out you can get a dog and good luck finding student housing that allows pets.

How do you get a horse to stand still?

i'm riding this horse who is green and i guess she never learned to stand still but when i have her all tacked up and enter the arena and stop in the middle to put down my stirrups she just trys to walk off and since i'm holding on the reins trying to halt her she just walks around me cause thats the only place she can go. another example is when i have her on a halter and lead rope and halt her at the cross ties she tries to keep going but since i'm standing still trying to halt her she walks around me and we have to do circles until she finaly stands straight. i'm sorry if im not clear in my description i'll edit if you don't undersstand

What do you think of that article 'Will Germany-China Ties Hurt the U.S.'?

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I dont know whats wrong with me :S?

bit embarrassing but its really weird after I drink anything I immediately, desperately have to pee. all I've been drinking is water and a mug of peppermint tea. last night I woke up about 6 times to pee when I usually wouldn't wake up once. the day before I had really bad stomach pains in the morning but I didn't want to miss work so I went out and after about an hour they went away, I dunno if maybe its connected to this. does anyone know what this is??

Can ovate be used as a word?

Like as when u say the word ovation or standing ovation can u use it to mean like applaud or cheer or is it a different word completely? I'm asking cause I just came up with a great line to a rap but need to finish it off with something meaning close to applauding or cheering that ends in the 8 sound and the word would of tied in perfectly with the previous line but I dont want to use it if its not a word and if its not can you think of one?

Can you get done for impersonating other jobs as well as coppers?

Soldiers and Doctors......I bet you were better trained and more courteous than the Lidl staff even though you'd only been in the job 30 seconds.

What would be a better choice a cat or a dog?

Both of them would be girls and both of them would end up getting spayed, I wanted both but I can't afford both and give them as much as attention as both of the need so I can't decide which one I want The cat would be a female Birman and the dog would be female and it would be a Papillon, I am a huge couch potato and I go to a full time college I don't live on campus but I live In an apartment with my best friends and as soon as I get home id mostly be hanging out with her and whichever pet I choose or you help me choose but I can't decide I need to have whichever one would cost less for vaccinations and everything anything you can help me with would be great.

I think i broke my laptop... dell inspiron mini?

i got this laptop for christmas last year. yesterday i was tying a water balloon for my brother and it spilled all over my computer. i covered it with rice (thats what you do for cellphones, right?) and let it dry out for 24 hours. i tried turning it on and it didnt work. is there any way i can fix this? and is there a warrenty for this on my laptop? dell inspiron mini. plus, how do i tell my parents? they already think im irresponsible....

How much does it cost to have your ears pinned back?

Im a 17 year old girl that lives in UK who has been bullied ever since primary school because of my ears. I can't tie my hair up because it looks ridicules. For a couple of months I've been stickying my ears back with double sided sticky tape because im trying everything to stick them back a bit but it's not working! Im not sure where to start with this. I can't afford to have this operation because I don't have any money and my parents can't afford it either so I'm not sure if I can get it free with the NHS at my age or what. Where do I start do I go to the doctors first and if yes then what the hell do I say?

Do brits wear there ties high?

i was watching a British movie, 'The Big I Am' and everyone who was wearing a tie had it WAY to short (by american standards, i'm guessing) to the point were i assumed it was a joke, but it was never addressed! Is that style over there?

Unofficially official or unofficial and dating?

So, I have been seeing this guy for 2 months. BOTH of us have agreed we wanna take things slow and let them progress since we both have just recently gotten out of ugly relationships. So, we pretty much are unofficially official, he takes me everywhere with him, family bbqs, parties etc. He never corrects anyone when they call me his gf. He gives me roses, shows public affection, asks my opinion about everything before he makes a decision. However, he continuously makes it clear that hes single and likes to party. ok I have no problem with that...however, Im starting to get asked out a lot and idk what to tell these guys. I dont want my "potential" to think that I wanna rush the relationship cuz i dont (i like where we are) and I dont want him to think that I wanna sleep around or see other people (cuz in all honestly I am only interested in him) BUT i am single..and shouldnt I be dating? especially if hes always saying hes single, no one can tie him down, he likes to party crap...shouldnt i be free to date? Or is the fact that he acts like a bf we are just unofficially together the top of the cake and no I shouldnt date? Ps..that I am aware of, he is not seeing anyone other than me.

Is my dog going into labor soon?

I have a papitese(maltese/papillon), she is 53 days in gestation. Well she is refusing to eat for the past two days. She is also a little aggressive towards strangers, more than the usual doesn't let anyone into the house. Also she looks at me all sad. She also just wants to lie down.

Pitt bull, sheltie and papillon living together?

I have a 3 1/2 year old Sheltie female and a 2 year old pitt bull male, they have been getting along very well since he was a pup. No aggression problems at all towards each other. The male plays gently with her and babies and my sisters less than year old rat terrier. I am looking to get a papillon pup.I have owned dogs for years, but never a small dog like a pap. I watch my dogs like a hawk and they dont play together when no one is around. My question is to someone with papillon experience and who is no stranger to the ways of Pitts or other large you think we could live togetther without harm coming to the papillon? Any thoughts and experiences are welcome!

How do I retrain my dog to come to me?

Get a 50 foot leash. Go to a park, call your dogs name and say treat. Then give her a treat and keep repeating until she gets it.

Does this guy Edwards have no shame - grinning in his mug shot?

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What's the best pet insurance company?

I want to get health insurance for my current 6 year old Papillon and a future GSD puppy. What is the best insurance company for emergencies, annual vet, meds, etc?

Shouldn't we have open-air urinals for men in the U.S.? As in Paris, they were more sanitary and safer. Women?

Great idea, but don't stop there. Let's just have everyone take a dump where ever they see fit, after all the wind will blow the smell away. Well at least for everyone but me, I know my crap doesn't stink.